DC Comics artist Christopher Jones, improviser Tim Hellendrung, and comedian Anna Weggel join Joseph for a campy yet brooding exploration of Batman. We address such burning bat-questions as: How do you fix a problem like Robin? Is Batman a libertarian? Were the Waynes asking for it? Plus, we invent a new villain called Napping Nancy and discuss why nerds are better at sex. All this and more in this grim podcast about a man who dresses up like a bat.
Screenwriter and very funny human Josh A. Cagan joins Joseph for a hard-hitting, car-crashing, William Shatnering discussion of ’80s cop show, T.J. Hooker. The podcast was recorded live outside Josh’s apartment in Hollywood for a great audience of chittering squirrels. Thrill to such phrases as “big swinging Kirk dick,” “Superman leukemia,” “night pizza,” “tragic majesty” and much more!
Podcast fans, creators, and super-funny comedy humans Levi Weinhagen and Paul de Cordova join Joseph for a very meta-podcast about podcasts. Plus, we grill our random audience volunteer Sarah in various podcast styles and Sarah says some lovely things about Netflix, rabbits, having ham for hands, and “super deep fun.”
Improvisers Hannah Kuhlmann and Aric McKeown join Joseph for a spooktacular episode of obsessive Ghost Stories. You’ll be terrified, amused, and terri-mused by tales of Dairy Queen Blood Man, City Hall Star Wars Ghost, Drug-Doing Kim, masturbating in the soup aisle, and dealing with your fear by throwing cheese curds.
Lately, I’ve been giving a lot of thought to Batman. I’m not sure why. Perhaps it’s the basic idea that he’s a mature, psychologically complex man who dresses up like an animal to strike fear in the hearts of criminals. This strikes me as noble. I feel like a lot of real life men are animals who dress up like humans so they can strike fear in Starbuck’s employees when they fuck up their lattes. Batman’s way seems better.
Anyway, here’s a collection of some of my recent and future Strong Bat Feelings. I did a superhero themed stand-up comedy show this summer at CONvergence sci-fi fantasy convention. It was really hard not to make the whole show about Batman. Here’s a clip on Why Batman is Awesome. If you enjoy it, you can subscribe to my YouTube Channel and share the video far and wide.
Finally, I’m doing a Batman episode of my podcast Obsessed on Saturday, Nov 2nd in Minneapolis. You can buy tickets here. The show features DC Comics artist Christopher Jones, comedian Anna Weggel, and improviser Tim Hellendrung.
Thanks to the efforts of my pal Molly Lewis at Geek Girl Con, a Batman was captured in the wild eating a taco. Thanks to Steve Petrucelli (@wizzer2801) for capturing and sending the picture below:
When I saw this, I wept. I would still like to see a Batman eating a taco, in person, with my own two eyes. But that’s a side quest.
Up next, I’ll be looking for the following superheroes eating the following items:
Superman eating a hot dog.
Wonder Woman eating nachos.
Wolverine eating some poutine
and perhaps, most importantly,
Aquaman eating a Filet-O-Fish from McDonald’s.
Actual physicist Dr. Jim Kakalios, improviser Hannah Kuhlmann, and writer Bill Stiteler join Joseph for an intense, absurd examination of all things Star Trek–the value of science, exploration, slash fiction, tachyons, sexy formal wear, and Captain Guy-Who-Was-Played-By-Scott Bakula. Highlights include Data’s podcast, Voyager’s improv troupe, Patrick Stewart as Grumpy Cat PLUS we tackle that old, bitter fan question–Who would win in a fight? Data’s cat Spot or a whale from The Voyage Home? Live long, prosper, and thanks for listening.
Greg Benson of Mediocre Films, Ken Plume of A Site Called Fred, and Bill Corbett of RiffTrax join Joseph Scrimshaw and co-host Molly Lewis live at the 2013 Dragon Con for a rousing discussion of their respective obsessions: Jimmy Stewart, The Muppets, and the obscure movie Billy Jack. Topics include but are not limited to zombie Jimmy Stewart, intense hatred of Gary The Muppet, the value of karate in a young boy’s life, and many improv scenes of Jimmy Stewart eating things. Plus the Obsessed theme song is played live by Molly Lewis!
On his birthday, Joseph indulges his obsession with Role-Playing Games by playing “Wizards & Whatever” with funny, charming people who mostly know nothing about RPGs! Join special guests comedian Shanan Custer (who previously appeared on our Jane Austen episode), comedian Jim Robinson (who previously appeared on our Existential Dread episode), singer/actor Dennis Curley, and co-producer of the podcast Sara Stevenson Scrimshaw on an adventure called “The Time Scooper of Bat-Raven Tavern.” Monsters are killed, dice are rolled off the table, the sexual appeal of plumbers is called into question, hilarity/adventure/swearing/senseless violence ensues! Enjoy!
Paul and Storm, musical/comedy duo of much awesomeness, compete to see who is more obsessed. Is it Paul and his love for Avatar: The Last Airbender (NOT the movie) or Storm and his devotion to Classic Arcade Video Games? Learn such shocking secrets as Paul’s most desired bending power, Storm’s theory of Pokemon based cultural fault lines, heated opinions on hot dogs, and two long lovely answers to the perennial podcast question “What is happiness?” Recorded live at ConnectiCon in Hartford, Connecticut. As always, thanks to Molly Lewis for our uber-catchy theme song.
Dear friends of the geek persuasion, the geek curious, and fans of the Obsessed podcast:
This Saturday, August 17th, I’m doing a live recording of my podcast Obsessed. (If you’re local to Minneapolis and want to attend, you can get info and tickets here.)
August 17th also happens to be my birthday, so I decided to gather some of my favorite humans and do an episode of the podcast about one of my favorite topics: Role Playing Games.
I’m looking for feedback from other gamers, so here are two questions. Feel free to answer in the comments section or tweet your answers to me on the twitters. You can find me here. Use the hashtag #RPGsurvey
Question one:
Why do you love Role Playing Games?
(I’m looking for honest, funny, pithy answers I can read at the top of the podcast.)
Question two:
What is your favorite and/or most hated Role Playing trope or stereotype?
(I’m playing a made-up mini-game with my guests during the show and I want to build in some tropes!)
Thanks for your time and your answers, friends. I’m off to role up some characters for the victims–I mean, players in my mini-game!